In 2013, Bob and Marissa Goettling embarked on a transformative journey when they acquired the breathtaking land that would later blossom into the enchanting Village Farms Asheville. What began as a homestead soon evolved into a flourishing farm, where they now raise Sheep, Chickens, and bees, cultivating 100% sustainable fruits and vegetables.
Fuelled by their passion for organic living harmonizing with nature, Bob and Marissa extend an invitation to experience the magic through their lavish "farm stay" in the opulent barn. Here, they not only open their doors for events, farm to table dinners, and product sales but also serve as beacons of inspiration for a community embracing a more wholesome lifestyle.
Stay with Us
Treat your group to the ultimate Asheville agritourism experience at our Opulent Barn Farmstay! It is an ideal space for retreats or family reunions.
Shop with Us
We offer fresh seasonal vegetables, farm-raised honey, eggs, locally-raised organic pastured meat, and more.
Learn with Us
Offering classes and workshops on a variety of farm-related experiences. Check our calendar for upcoming events.
Dine with Us
Come sample our produce and meats prepared by local chefs. Learn more about our farm to table dinners or contact us to create a unique private event.